Prada Bags How To Tell Fake
prada bags how to tell fake
How to Tell If a Prada handbag is Fake?
Prada is a very famous Italian luxury brand.Its high quality leather goods and ready-to wear are the staple in fashion.Not only urban elites but stars are fan of Prada.They love to flaunt Prada luxury wears.The brand fashionable goods are exclusive and only available in well reputed stores. The demand of the brand luxury goods is as much as Gucci products.Looking at the demand,many sellers start selling fake Prada handbags in the name of real Prada bags.There are some tricks that able you to buy a real Prada handbag.
If it is your first time,you should purchase from a Prada official website or from a well reputed online or local store.
If you don't want to purchase from the official website,you can go with a reputed online store provides complete description of their products and provides clear image.
Look at the logo on the outside of the bag.If it's possible carry a photocopy of the logo to match with the Prada product. Almost all Prada handbags have logo on either the side or front of the bag.The symbols and letters are slightly raised and color of the logo is matching with the bag color.
You also need to notice fabric of the bag.It should be soft and has a kind of luster.
Don't forget to check a metal plaque as it is located in the interior of the bag and attached to lining.Color of the plaque is close to the color of the bag you have selected.
Carefully examine the stitching and the sewing of the bag you want to purchase.It should be fine quality.If you find any loose thread,it means you are purchasing a fake bag.
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